Sagar Garg HTML code

Sagar Garg



A talented individual responsible for the design and creation of all man-made objects in the known universe



A hard-working person devoted to transforming dreams into tangible products



An individual who does precise guess-work based on unreliable data provided by those of questionable knowledge



A severely sleep deprived person who attends classes at a school, college, or university

About Me

Sagar Garg

I am currently working as a Senior Data Analyst for Boeing on the BGS Commercial Modifications team. I previously led the data analytics team for the Boeing BGS CMESP Business Development team. I completed my M.S. in Data Science from Northwestern University and graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Computer Engineering. Interested in areas like data analytics, data science, data visualizations, business operations, finance, and aviation, but I am eager to learn other potential areas as well as expand my experience and vision


I love to build things. I usually use Arduino microcontrollers for my projects


I am an Android developer. I currently have a few apps on the Google Play store, and hope to add more


I develop web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in both my freetime and for projects


I love to learn about planes and hope to get my private pilots license soon

My Skills

I work with many programming languages and platforms, including:

Programming Languages

  • Python
  • SQL
  • HTML5 / CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • PHP


  • Tableau
  • Database Administration
  • Microsoft Access / SQL
  • Power BI
  • Microsoft Access / SQL
  • Google Analytics


  • Autodesk Inventor
  • AutoCAD
  • Soldering
  • 3D printing


Quistro Android App

with Keith Tan, Jeremy Pan, Resul Ucar, and Ben Earnest

Link to Google Play Store

Quistro is an Android Application to find restaurants near by based on a few filters and the Yelp API and then recommend a place for you to try out. This app is perfect for indecisive people who struggle with finding a place to eat since Quistro will randomize a single place after the user chooses their top places.

STM32F0 LED Matrix Maze

with Lawerence Wang, Varun Mavilla, and Abhay Sasidharan

For our mini-project in ECE 362 - Microcontroller, we created a Maze game displayed on a 32x32 RGB LED Matrix controlled by an STM32F0Discovery microcontroller programmed with Cortex-M0 assembly language. The maze is controlled by four directional push buttons and includes sound played from a speaker and a PCB to efficiently wire up the matrix. Winner of the People's Choice Award at the Fall 2018 Spark Challenge.

Textbook Trader

Alexa Smart Home

Using the NodeMCU ESP8266 module and Arduino to have an Amazon Echo control a WS2812B LED Light Strip and switches only using my voice. Code and pictures coming soon.

Textbook Trader

Help Them Android App

Built an Android application that quickly diagnoses if a person needs medical attention or not using a series of yes or no questions; before giving the user exact instructions on how to deal with the situation. Specifically worked on the logic of the application as well as the UX and UI. Created at HackIllinois Spring 2017, and winner of the Best Use of the IMO API.

Unit Converter App

Link to Amazon App Store

Unit Converter is an Android Application that features fast, real time conversion in a clean interface. There are seven different units included: Distance, Speed, Time, Mass, Digital Storage, Area, and Temperature.

Easy A Calculator Graphic

Easy A Calculator App

Link to Google Play Store
Link to Amazon App Store

Easy A Calculator is an Android Application that calculates the minimum grade that you need for the last marking period in order to get the grade that you want. Includes Trimester and Quarter grade calculator.

Simplistic Watch Face Graphic

Simplistic Watch Face

Simplistic is a watch face for Android Wear which provides necessary information in a simplistic way. Includes Time in a 12-hr or 24-hr format based on phone settings, Colored AM/PM markers, Day of the Week, Month, and Day of the Month.

LED Cube

Over the summer I built a 4x4x4 LED Cube. The LED cube uses an Arduino Uno micro-controller to program the LEDs. The code that I used in the video along with additional pictures, can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Textbook Trader

Textbook Trader

with Andreas Dias, Benjamin Shi, and Adwaita Dani

We came up wih the idea after one of us realized how hard it was at Princeton to sell and buy books and felt there was an opportunity being lost when multiple people would ask for one book or others would go a while without a response for their book.



with Shreya Hirday, Shaantam Chawla, and Nishanth Shanmugham

BarBot utilizes a combination of Android and Arduino to create a magical Box that stores your temptations and keeps you from simply taking TOO MUCH. Well, it first started off as an idea for a robot that could move around and carry drinks for people at a party. Each person gets a limited numbers of drinks, and once that limit is reached...BarBot doesn't let you take anymore! We later expanded this idea to eating healthy as well. One of our favorite key features is that BarBot can automatically lift its cover so you can take what you went simply using sonar data. Another key feature that we like is that the Android app keeps track of how much you have had...and no registration required!

Tab Counter

Tab Counter

Tab Counter is a Google Chrome Extension that counts the number of currently opened browser tabs and windows. This was my first chrome extension project and I hope to build more in the future.

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me; email works best.